fetal age การใช้
- Clinics would be required to send ultrasound images of fetuses to a state laboratory to certify fetal age.
- Preterm newborns raised the later risk of a stillbirth only if they were also small for their fetal age.
- Inaccurate estimations of fetal age and inaccuracies inherent in ultrasonic examination may cause a scan to be interpreted negatively.
- In human obstetrics, " gestational age " refers to the embryonic or fetal age plus two weeks.
- The bill would allow abortion after 12 weeks ( fetal age 10 weeks ) in cases of rape or incest.
- Newborns who were in the bottom 2.5 percent in size at a given stage of development were considered small for their fetal age.
- In the first trimester, the ultrasound scan is now typically used to determine fetal age by measuring crown-rump ( head to bottom ) length and head circumference.
- The risk of a later stillbirth was five times higher if the newborn was both very small for its fetal age and very early in its delivery _ before 32 weeks.
- The same group of researchers further observed that with the increase of fetal age, the adrenal glands also weigh more as observed by the research group in 90 human fetuses.
- Herron's abortion was performed April 17 by Dr . John Biskind, the same doctor who delivered a full-term baby at the clinic June 30 after misdiagnosing the fetal age by 13 weeks.
- The 2005 survey also found considerable ignorance of Brazil's law on abortion, with only 48 % of the physicians knowing that it is legal to save a woman's life and widespread confusion about fetal age limits.
- But the House bill approved on Wednesday, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, provides a far looser definition, with no reference to fetal age or to the specifics of inserting scissors into the neck to create a hole through which the brains can be suctioned out to collapse the skull.
- After 13 weeks of gestation, the fetal age may be estimated using the biparietal diameter ( the transverse diameter of the head, across the two parietal bones ), the head circumference, the length of the femur, the crown-heel length ( head to heel ), and other fetal parameters.
- After all, if one believes that " human " life begins at the instant of conception and that ending it medically is homicide, the " unborn child " is just as " dead " in the deity's eyes, no matter its fetal age or the procedure used to " kill " it.